Amended on September 24, 2022
Living in Peace
Living in Peace (Kabutocho Daiichi Heiwa Building, Kabutocho 5-1, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shinzo Nakazato, Yiqun Gong) pays utmost attention to protection of personal information, and complies with laws and regulations pertaining to protection of personal information. We hereby set forth and implement privacy policy as follows, and review it as necessary for further improvement.
1. Collection of Personal Information
Our organization collects personal information in a proper and fair manner, does not collect personal information in a fraudulent manner. Our organization discloses its purposes of use upon collecting personal information, along with those specified below in Section “2. Purposes of Use”.
Our organization does not collect sensitive information (personal information comprising your race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, fact of having suffered damage by a crime, or other descriptions, etc. prescribed by laws as handling of those requires special care so as not to cause unfair discrimination, prejudice or other disadvantages to you) without obtaining a prior consent from you, except when required by laws.
2. Purposes of Use
Our organization uses personal information for the following purposes:
- Communication relating to acceptance of donation or registration as a donating member;
- Communication relating to your application to participating in a meeting or other activities;
- Selection and communication to register you as an active member to join our organization (hereinafter “Active Member”), administration of Active Members, and communication in relation to these matters;
- Sending activity reports or expressing our gratitude by email or other tools;
- Preparation or issuance of accounting documents (receipts and invoice, etc.);
- Responding to various inquiries;
- Announcement or request for cooperation, etc. relating to activities by our organization (including those to be launched in the future); and
- Other activities ancillary to above.
[For Microfinance Project]
- Various announcement relating to implementation of microfinance or other activities for improving access to finance and reducing poverty in developing countries through formation of microfinance funds, and implementation of activities to tackle climate change or other related issues;
- Announcement of various events to raise awareness of poverty in developing countries and to promote our activities;
- Analyzing questionnaires for improving microfinance project’ activities and launching a new project, etc;
- Circulation of information relating to poverty in developing countries and our activities through newsletter, email magazine or other means; and
- Other activities ancillary to above.
[For Child Project]
- Selection, implementation of assistance, and various announcement regarding children, scholarship students, their relatives and other beneficiaries;
- Notification for users of or applicants to using a dining hall for children;
- Announcement of various events, and a seminar, etc. to raise awareness of poverty of children and to promote our activities;
- Analyzing questionnaires for improving child project’s activities and launching a new project, etc;
- Circulation of information relating to poverty of children and our activities through newsletter, email magazine or other means; and
- Other activities ancillary to above.
[For Refugee Project]
- Selection, implementation of assistance, and various announcement regarding refugees residing in Japan, migrants, and other beneficiaries who have equivalent background;
- Announcement of various events such as a seminar to raise awareness of refugee assistance and to promote our activities;
- Analyzing questionnaires for improving refugee project’s activities and launching a new project, etc;
- Circulation of information relating to refugee issues and our activities through newsletter, email magazine or other means; and
- Other activities ancillary to above.
3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Our organization provides your personal information for third parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations:
The website of our organization uses an access analytics tool “Google Analytics” provided by Google. This service uses Cookie information for the purposes of data collection. This data is collected in an anonymized manner so as not to identify the data subjects individually. Please visit the setting menu of the browser you use to disable Cookie, if you wish to decline the collection of Cookie by said function. For more details, please visit Google’s description about its technology, Google Analytics’ Terms of Service, Google’s general Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, etc.
4. Appropriate Administration of Information
To keep the personal information accurate and up-to-date, our organization endeavors to establish an appropriate administration system by introducing appropriate measures including limiting those authorized to access certain information, to introduce security measures for loss or leakage, etc. by pseudonymize personal information as necessary, and to raise Active Members’ awareness of importance of personal information protection through internal seminars.
5. Procedure for Disclosure, Correction, Addition or Deletion, Suspension of Use, Erasure, and Suspension of Provision to a Third Party, etc. (hereinafter “Disclosure, etc.”) of personal information
In case you make a request for Disclosure, etc. of your personal information, our organization takes measures to follow your request promptly in accordance with laws and regulations after verification of your identity. Requests for Disclosure, etc. shall be addressed to the following email address:
6. Amendment of this Privacy Policy
Our organization may amend this Privacy Policy at our own will. This amendment takes effect when amended privacy policy is posted on this website, unless otherwise provided.
7. Contact
Please use contact form (in Japanese) for any inquiries about administration of personal information.
Living in Peace